Information For Your Appointment

Please read the following information and fill in the form below


To offer a quality service the business of medicine has to be viable.  Collecting bad debts is not enjoyable and increases costs for those who pay.  Hence, we hope the vast majority of patients who do pay their bills on time will not take offence at the information below.

Our fees are based on our overheads, the cost of materials used, and the length and complexity of the consultation, whether the flexible scope is used, whether an audiogram is done and whether any procedures or minor operations are done.  The fees also include time spent dictating and checking letters but extra may be charged if a lot of time is to be spent on researching a problem.

Payment is appreciated at the time of the consultation. We accept payment by EFTPos, Cash or Internet Banking.  We DO NOT accept payment by Credit Card or Cheque.

We charge for a consultation even if this does not change the symptoms.  (We have no way of knowing beforehand whether we can help and it takes time to reach an opinion).

We give estimates for any surgery to be done in a private Hospital.

As in any business we expect to be paid.  If you have problems paying the bill within the time allowed we may be able to come to some arrangement, but only if you ask.  If we cannot get a meaningful response re money owing within two months, we send our accounts to a debt collection agency.  Our debt collection agency asks that we also say this in legalese which is as below :-

Accounts are payable by the 20th day of the month following the date of invoice.  If the account is not paid within 20 days of the due date, and no other arrangements have been made the account may be forwarded to a debt collection agency who may charge a debt collection fee equal to 25% of the unpaid portion of the invoice amount and other legal and collection costs not covered by the fee.  The minimum fee from the debt collection agency is $25.00.

Collection of Medical Information

This information is collected for the purpose of your medical care and may be passed on to other health professionals involved in your care.  A copy of the letter to your Doctor may be sent to you for your information.

You should be aware that when you are seen for an ACC related matter a copy of the letter to the GP goes to ACC. This is required for us to be paid. You should also be aware that if you have private insurance that they can request a copy of the information that we have on file. When you took out the insurance you would have signed a document giving your permission for release of information from medical practitioners whom you consult.

Change of Contact Details and Cancellations

Please advise any change of address or phone numbers before your next appointment so that we can contact you about any change to the appointment time or date. 

It will be appreciated that you let us know if you need to cancel an appointment as we will then have time to arrange to see someone else.  Be advised that a cancellation fee may be charged if we are not notified within a reasonable amount of time.


We encourage and appreciate when our patients take time to express any complements or concerns relating to the standard and quality of service received at Totara House Clinic.  We endeavor to give prompt attention to any areas of concern.

If you have any feedback you wish to share with us, please email


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